Discover our list of useful links for the French-speaking community
We're pleased to share our list of useful links for the francophone community. Discover the websites of our partners, such as the Association des femmes canadiennes françaises, the Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir, the Ontario Trillium Foundation, and many others. These organizations and institutions actively contribute to the promotion and development of French language and culture in Ontario. Feel free to explore these links to learn more about their missions and activities.
AFCF – Association des femmes canadiennes françaises
Association des enseignants et enseignantes franco-ontariens centre-sud catholique
Caisse Populaire Des voyageurs
Club Optimiste francophone de Durham and Camp Garnier
Antonine Maillet School Council
Ronald-Marion School Council (Elementary)
Ronald-Marion School Council (Secondary)
Saint-Charles-Garnier Catholic High School